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Dropship VGA Cable Male to Male 3 Yards Supports PC, Monitor, TV, LCD_LED, Plasma, Projector, TFT (White)

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Dropship VGA Cable Male to Male 3 Yards Supports PC, Monitor, TV, LCD_LED, Plasma, Projector, TFT (White)
Dropship VGA Cable Male to Male 3 Yards Supports PC, Monitor, TV, LCD_LED, Plasma, Projector, TFT (White)
Dropship VGA Cable Male to Male 3 Yards Supports PC, Monitor, TV, LCD_LED, Plasma, Projector, TFT (White)
Dropship VGA Cable Male to Male 3 Yards Supports PC, Monitor, TV, LCD_LED, Plasma, Projector, TFT (White)
Dropship VGA Cable Male to Male 3 Yards Supports PC, Monitor, TV, LCD_LED, Plasma, Projector, TFT (White)
Dropship VGA Cable Male to Male 3 Yards Supports PC, Monitor, TV, LCD_LED, Plasma, Projector, TFT (White)
Dropship VGA Cable Male to Male 3 Yards Supports PC, Monitor, TV, LCD_LED, Plasma, Projector, TFT (White)
VGA Cable Male to Male 3 Yards Supports PC, Monitor, TV, LCD_LED, Plasma, Projector, TFT
Model:VGA Cable 3 Yards
VGA Cable (Male to Male) is a complete tool equipped to support PC, Monitor, TV, LCD/LED, Plasma, Projector, and TFT. The cable is made of a PVC outer layer that protects from physical strain, external interference and provides distortion-free signal. It is ideal for connecting video card outputs to monitors directly. This VGA monitor cable intakes three coaxial conductors for RGB signal to amplify
This product is genuine, compatible and operates very effectively
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: VGA Cable 3 Yards
  • Weight: 250.00g
  • Dimensions
    (L X W X H):
    20.00cm x 20.00cm x 3.00cm

Price Details

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Model VGA Cable 3 Yards
Color White