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Dropship Artificial Flowers Bunch Bouquet Oflily Flowers For Home Decoration (Pink And White, Material:Silk, Polyester)

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Dropship Artificial Flowers Bunch Bouquet Oflily Flowers For Home Decoration (Pink And White, Material:Silk, Polyester)
Dropship Artificial Flowers Bunch Bouquet Oflily Flowers For Home Decoration (Pink And White, Material:Silk, Polyester)
Dropship Artificial Flowers Bunch Bouquet Oflily Flowers For Home Decoration (Pink And White, Material:Silk, Polyester)
Dropship Artificial Flowers Bunch Bouquet Oflily Flowers For Home Decoration (Pink And White, Material:Silk, Polyester)
Dropship Artificial Flowers Bunch Bouquet Oflily Flowers For Home Decoration (Pink And White, Material:Silk, Polyester)
Dropship Artificial Flowers Bunch Bouquet Oflily Flowers For Home Decoration (Pink And White, Material:Silk, Polyester)
Dropship Artificial Flowers Bunch Bouquet Oflily Flowers For Home Decoration (Pink And White, Material:Silk, Polyester)
Dropship Artificial Flowers Bunch Bouquet Oflily Flowers For Home Decoration (Pink And White, Material:Silk, Polyester)
Dropship Artificial Flowers Bunch Bouquet Oflily Flowers For Home Decoration (Pink And White, Material:Silk, Polyester)
Artificial Flowers Bunch Bouquet ofLily Flowers for Home Decoration
Material:Silk, Polyester
Length:12 Inches,
Type:Flower Bunch
They can be used as flowers for living room, garden or any outdoors.
You can use them as table decoration or fillers in every corner of the house. It is a perfect gift for your loved one.These natural looking flowers, can be used for Indoor and Outdoor purpose ideal for various occasions such as Valentine, or any festive celebration.
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: Flower Bunch
  • Weight: 350.00g
  • Dimensions
    (L X W X H):
    36.00cm x 15.00cm x 4.00cm
  • SKU: BSB21HDSYYYmalllilybunch_Pinkwhite

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Model Flower Bunch
Material Silk Polyester
Color Multi